Hearing aids are made of intricate internal components that like all technology, can succumb to old age, wear and tear or physical mishaps. Even with the best care plan and preventative maintenance, you may notice your device needs some minor repairs or tweaks to keep functioning optimally, which is where our team steps in!
Hart Hearing Care Center is your destination for any performance issues you experience with your hearing device. Our hearing instrument specialists can diagnose most hearing aid problems from major hearing aid manufacturers. Sometimes a problem is solved simply by cleaning and adjusting the hearing aid. For major damages, we may need to send your hearing aid off to the manufacturer for repairs. But we’ll work with you every step of the way to communicate a timeline for getting your devices back and what you can do while waiting.
Hearing Aid Maintenance
We realize how important it is that your devices are functioning properly. That’s why we show every wearer how to use and maintain the hearing aid from the first day. Simple tasks like cleaning, insertion and removal are discussed in detail. Understanding how to operate your device can help prevent you from experiencing issues down the road.
Additionally, daily checks for cracked tubing, clogs in ports or any physical damages can help you recognize problems before they become much larger. This gives us the chance to easily and conveniently fix your devices!
However, should you need a repair or have a usage question, please call us right away.
Tips to Protect Your Hearing Aids
Water is not a friend to hearing aids, so it’s important you keep your devices away from any moisture. This includes when you’re showering, bathing, swimming or even exposed to rain for long periods of time. Moisture can damage the internal components of your device and cause problems like feedback, whistling or complete power failure.
We find that a widespread problem is dropping the hearing device when trying to change the battery or place to hearing aid in its charger or case. This is the point where the hearing aid is most susceptible to damage, so it’s crucial you insert and remove your devices over a safe area.
We recommend always removing batteries and placing the devices in a case over a table or countertop, or any surface very close to your hands. If a drop occurs, the hearing aid will fall inches instead of feet.
We have videos and literature covering all the facets of hearing aid repair and maintenance. Call today!