Hearing aids have come a long way in recent years, both in terms of technology and design. They’re smaller and more discreet than ever before, and they can do wonders for your quality of life. So, if you’re one of the millions of people with hearing loss, it’s worth considering getting a hearing aid.

What Are Hearing Aids?

Hearing aids are small electronic devices that you wear in or around your ear. They make sounds louder so that you can hear them better. Hearing aids can also help you understand speech better by making it clearer.

When it comes to choosing hearing aids, there are a few different options available on the market. Two of the most common types of hearing aids are over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription hearing aids.

Over-The-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids

Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids are devices that you can purchase without a prescription from a licensed hearing instrument specialist. These devices are typically intended for people with self-perceived mild-to-moderate hearing loss. In addition, OTC hearing aids are not custom fit to your individual ears, so they may not provide the best possible sound quality. Additionally, OTC hearing aids warranties may vary or any type of service plan, so you’ll be on your own if anything goes wrong with the device.

Prescription Hearing Aids

In contrast, prescription hearing aids are devices that must be prescribed by a licensed hearing instrument specialist after completing a comprehensive hearing evaluation. Prescription hearing aids are usually recommended for people with mild-profound hearing loss.

They may be a bit more cost-effective, but they are also much more effective. In addition, these devices are custom fit to your individual ears, so you’ll get the best possible sound quality. Prescription hearing aids also come with a warranty and service plan, so you’ll be covered if anything goes wrong.

Hearing Aid Styles

In addition, there are a few different styles of prescription hearing aids available, including in the ear (ITE), behind the ear (BTE) and in the canal (ITC).

In the Ear

These models fit directly into the outer bowl of your ear. As a result, they’re practically invisible, making them a popular choice for people who are self-conscious about wearing hearing aids. In addition, they’re relatively easy to put in and take out. However, because they sit deep in the ear.

Behind the Ear

These models have a small case that rests behind the ear. A clear plastic tube runs from the case into the ear canal. BTE hearing aids are larger than ITE models, but they offer a number of advantages:

  • They’re easier to handle than ITE hearing aids.
  • They can be fitted with a directional microphone, which can be helpful in noisy environments.
  • They offer more power than ITE hearing aids, so that they may be a better choice for people with severe hearing loss.

In the Canal

These models fit into the ear canal. Like ITE hearing aids, they’re practically invisible and easy to put in and take out. However, they offer more power than ITE hearing aids, so that they may be a better choice for people with mild hearing loss.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing a Hearing Aid?

There are many benefits to wearing a hearing aid, including:

  • Improved hearing: Hearing aids make sounds louder so that you can hear them better. This can help you participate in conversations and other activities that you may have been avoiding because of your hearing loss.
  • Improved communication: Hearing aids can also help you understand speech better by making it clearer. This can make it easier to participate in conversations and other activities.
  • Less effort: It takes less effort to listen when you’re wearing a hearing aid because you don’t have to strain to hear. This can reduce fatigue and make listening more enjoyable.
  • Improved safety: Wearing a hearing aid can help you stay safe by making it easier to hear things like smoke alarms, doorbells, and car horns.
  • Improved quality of life: Hearing aids can improve your overall quality of life by making it easier to participate in the activities you enjoy.

Hart Hearing Care Centers Are Here for You!

If you’re considering a hearing aid, it’s important to consult with a hearing instrument specialist to find the right device for your needs. Hart Hearing Care Centers offer free consultations to help you find the perfect hearing aid for your situation. To learn more, call us at Delafield: (262) 912-0608, Mequon: (262) 240-0288, New Berlin: (262) 782-3400 or Lake Geneva: (262) 475-0880.

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